Pope Benedict XVI.’s Social Criticism and Vision for Europe International Conference

On June 9, the Christian Democratic Institute and Szent István Intézet hosted an international conference on the late Pope Benedict XVI.’s social criticism and vision for Europe titled Self-Identity and Life-Giving Source at the Don Bosco Community House in Budapest.

Before the start of the conference, Holy Mass was offered by Fr. János Andrásfalvy, SDB, Provincial of the Salesian Province, at the Salesian chapel located next to the conference. Welcome speeches were given by Ernő Schaller-Baross, MEP and member of the Board of the Christian Democratic Institute, as well as by Lőrinc Nacsa, Deputy Head of KDNP (Christian Democratic People’s Party).

The conference’s keynote speech titled “The Listening Heart as the Principle of Lawmaking: Benedict XVI on Democracy and Politics” was given by Prof. Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau, President and Rector of ITI Catholic University in Austria.

A lively roundtable discussion followed between Martos Levente Balázs, Auxiliary Bishop of the Esztergom-Budapest archdiocese; Balog Zoltán, Bishop of the Hungarian Reformed Church and President of its Pastoral Synod; Kocsis Fülöp, Bishop of the Greek Catholic Church, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Hajdúdorog archdiocese.

The afternoon session featured speeches by Prof. Habil. Dr. Michaela Hastetter, Pastoral Theologian and visiting professor at Hochschule Heiligenkreuz; Dr. Nádor Koppány Zsombor, Theologian and Lead Researcher of the Szent István Intézet; Dr. Puskás Balázs, Child Protection Expert and Lead Researcher of the Szent István Intézet; and Jancsó András, research associate at the National University of Public Service.

All of the presentations can be viewed by clicking here.