Book Launch: The Curse of Popularity

The Center for Fundamental Rights hosted a book launch on June 8 for The Curse of Popularity, which is a book that the Christian Democratic Institute and the Foundation for a Civic Hungary also helped bring to fruition.

The book is edited by Bernadett Petri and Kristóf Heil, with essays from Hungarian, Slovenian, Venezuelan, Italian, and German contributors. The various chapters in the book explore the nature and history of the phenomenon that has come to be known as populism.

The book launch included brief speeches from Miklós Szánthó, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights, and Ernő Schaller-Baross, MEP and member of the Board of the Christian Democratic Institute.

The opening speeches were followed by a lively roundtable discussion between Bernadett Petri, one of the editors of the book; Márton Békés, director at the XXI. Century Institute; and Levente Szikra, analyst at the Center for Fundamental Rights.