What chances and oppurtunities does Christian Democracy has in Europe and how can Christian democracy grow in Europe if the number of Christians practising their faith, and with them Christian politicians, is dwindling?

Among other things, this was discussed by Gudrun Kugler, jurist, theologian, member of the Austrian People’s Party, Member of the Austrian Parliament since 2017, and and Lőrinc Nacsa, politician, member of the KDNP, Member of Parliament, Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in 15th of September, 2023 in a panel discussion organized jointly with the Szent István Institute at Scruton’s Zoltán Street Café.

REVIEW OF THE BOOK THE CURSE OF POPULARITY: Hurray, populism! A spirit of the times in which the time for excuses is over
The Curse of Popularity (A népszerűség átka) has been reviewed in Hungarian and in English on the website Kultúra és Közösség by Almadi Sejla.
“From the approximately eleven crisply written but factual chapters, we can learn about the conceptual difficulties of (political) populism, its history from the 19th century to the present day, and its current characteristics broken down into individual countries, parties, movements and leaders. As a final conclusion, populism can be the highest expression of democracy, but it is at least the path leading to it, and by no means its opposite.”
The full text of the review is available at the link below:
17_Almadi_2023_03.pdf (kulturaeskozosseg.hu)
Visit of the Elderly Home of Order of Malta in Páty
“Defence of the Faith and assistance to the poor.“
In a common initiative of the Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Christian Democratic Institute in Hungary an official visit has been organized to the Elderly Home of the Order of Malta in Páty.
The visit was attended by Her Excellency Trine Skymoen, Ambassador of Norway, who took the elderly with her presentation on an excursion to Norway, bringing to live many wonderful images of her beloved country.
Review of the book The Curse of Popularity: Vox Populi, vox Dei?
The Curse of Popularity (A népszerűség átka) has been reviewed in Hungarian on the highly read Újkor.hu history education portal.
“The author of these lines does not wish to contribute to the extensive political science debates and to the intensification of the cavalcade of terminology; however, he wishes to praise the authors of The Curse of Popularity for having taken the concept of populism out of the mainstream canon of interpretation – if you like, out of the politically correct use of language and terms – and, in addition to the analysis of its historical antecedents, also focusing on contemporary phenomena.”
– Alex Pongrácz, the author
The full text of the review is available at the link below:
Keynote address by Christiaan Alting von Geusau: The Relation between Faith and Education
Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau is the Co-Chair of the Christian Democratic Institute’s Advisory Board, leads the International Catholic Legislators Network (ICLN), which he founded in 2010 to provide Christian politicians with faith formation, education and networking opportunities. He is the founder and principal of Ambrose Advice e.U., a company that provides strategic advisory and leadership coaching to senior public office holders around the world. Dr. von Geusau is Rector emeritus and Professor for Philosophy of Law and Education at ITI Catholic University in Austria and honorary Professor of Law at the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola in Peru.
Book Launch: The Curse of Popularity
Together with the Brussels Office of the Foundation for a Civic Hungary the Christian Democratic Institute had the pleasure to host a book launch on September 25th for the book published together with the Center for Fundamental Rights “The Curse of Popularity” in Brussels.
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Chances and OPPORTUNITIES for Christian Democracy in Europe, roundtable discussion with Gudrun Kugler
What chances and oppurtunities does Christian Democracy has in Europe and how can Christian democracy grow in Europe if the number of Christians practising their faith, and with them Christian politicians, is dwindling?

Among other things, this was discussed by Gudrun Kugler, jurist, theologian, member of the Austrian People’s Party, Member of the Austrian Parliament since 2017, and and Lőrinc Nacsa, politician, member of the KDNP, Member of Parliament, Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in 15th of September, 2023 in a panel discussion organized jointly with the Szent István Institute at Scruton’s Zoltán Street Café.
IDC. Africa General Assembly and Conference in Cape Verde
For our Institute the beginning of autumn also meant strengthening our international relations and nurturing our existing ones!
Together with the Head of the Hungarian Delegation, Zsolt Nemeth, the Director of CDI Hungary had the honour to host a lunch for the delegates of 13 African countries, who were attending the General Assembly Meeting of the IDC. Africa.
Mr. Alejandro Pena Esclusa was participating in a panel on electoral fraud, together with Mr. Adalberto Costa Junior from Angola, moderated by Zsolt Nemeth.
Book launch at the MCC Feszt 2023: The Sao Paulo Forum’s Cultural Warfare
Even after Tusványos, there is no end to the number of presentations of the book The Sao Paulo Forum’s Cultural Warfare, written by Alejandro Peña Esclusa published in Hungarian by the Christian Democratic Institute.
On July 28, 2023, in Esztergom, during the MCC Feszt, the Latin American author discussed the book and the Sao Paulo Forum, and its spread in the Americas, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean with Álvaro Peñas López, editor of deliberatio.eu, and Jorge González-Gallarza, guest lecturer at the MCC.
The discussion and interest were not dampened even by the inclement weather, which was followed by the book signing.
Book launch: The Sao Paulo Forum’s Cultural Warfare
In July, the 32nd Bálványos Free Summer University and Student Camp, commonly known simply as Tusványos, took place, hosting numerous panels and speakers from all over the region and even the world. It was also the occasion for the launch of the book the Sao Paulo Forum’s Cultural Warfare, written by Alejandro Peña Esclusa, a Venezuelan writer and published in Hungarian by the Christian Democratic Institute.
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Diplomatic Charity Initiative with Hungarian Association of the Order of Malta: H.E. Ms. Joanna Azzi, Ambassador of Lebanon, Visit to Elderly Home
The Christian Democratic Institute, in close cooperation with the Hungarian Association of the Order of Malta, organized a diplomatic charity initiative with H.E. Ms. Joanna Azzi, Ambassador of Lebanon, to visit the Maltese elderly care home in Páty on June 12.
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