We are proud to have organised our fourth Conservative Ladies’ Breakfast together with the Foundation for a Civic Hungary in Budapest.

This time, Her Excellency María Lorena Capra, Ambassador of the Republic of Argentina to Hungary and Member of European Parliament Enikő Győri, were our guests of honour, with whom we discussed and celebrated the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the South American country and Hungary, reviewing the past, present and future of our fruitful cooperation.

The CDI Hungary was delighted to participate in the IDC Africa conference in Paris, a high-level event with two African Prime Ministers and representatives of several African member countries of the Centrist Democratic International, it provided an in-depth insight into the future of democracy in Africa, facilitating a meaningful dialogue and exchange of ideas between leaders and experts.

Protecting and preserving our Christian values is vital for the whole of Europe!
CDI Hungary was honoured to organise jointly with the Dialogue Foundation, the Europe of Values exhibition.
We thank Zsolt Németh, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly and Ernő Schaller-Baross MEP, member of the Board of Trustees of CDI for their valuable insights and contributions.
The aim of this event series, organized together with H.E. Ambassador Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi, is to present inspiring personalities and life stories of women in our common history.
At the first event, more than 18  ladies heard about the life of Katinka Kendeffy, the wife of Gyula Andrássy, who was a major actor in the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 during a luncheon at the wonderful premisses of the Embassy of Hungary in Vienna.

CDI Hungary was guest of the Prior of the Minorite Monastery and the Jozef Pucnik Institute in the historic city of Ptuj, Slovenia.

The 13th-century monastery boasts a library with over 5000 books, some of them dating as far back as the 16th century, which was amazing to see.

A thorough presentation given by Christiaan Alting von Geusau on the current political situation in the US was followed by a great roundtable discussion on the upcoming US elections.

CDI Hungary was honoured to host our second Christian Democratic Leaders’ Roundtable in form of a breakfast discussing “The Atlantic Riddle:  US Political Divisions and Their Impact on the EU”, with a keynote Speech by Prof. Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau, President of the International Catholic Legislators’ Network and Co-Chair of the CDI Advisory Board at the Brussels office of the Foundation for a Civic Hungary.

The Christian Democratic Leader’s Roundtable is an initiative to bring together like-minded Christan politicians and alliances, as well as to enable informal ways of cooperation and joint initiatives.

On March 15, 2024, CDI Hungary was present at the 15th Pučnik’s Symposium in Slovenska Bistrica.  A panel of the symposium was dedicated to populism, in which also the CDI publication on the Curse of Popularity was presented to the audience.

The leading expert of CDI Hungary, Alejandro Pena Esclusa gave a lecture on the importance of Classical Arts to MCC students in Szeged, using the findings of his newest book “Classical Art and cultural Warfare”.

Together with the Foundation for a Civic Hungary, the Christian Democratic Institute in Hungary had the honour to organize its third Conservative Ladies’ Breakfast with H.E. Ambassador Gülşen Karanis Ekşioğlu and Dr. Orsolya Pacsay-Tomassich, President of the Hungarian Diplomatic Academy as our special guests.

During the event, which was attended by over 40 ladies, we talked about the deep and multi-layered friendship between Türkiye and Hungary as we are celebrating the Hungarian-Turkish Cultural Year, commemorating a century of strong bilateral ties and the 100th anniversary of the Friendship Agreement between Turkey and Hungary implemented in 1924.

The CDI Hungary was honoured to co-host the Lady Ambassadors’ Charity Initiative  Introductory Evening with the Hungarian Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

The event included a presentation by the Hospitaller of the Order of Malta Dr. Lóránd G. Erőss and a presentation by László Moravcsik, project leader on behalf of Miklós Vecsei, Ministerial Commissioner for the Emerging Settlements Program and Vice-President of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service.

The evening ended with a reception, in which the participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss possible ways of involvement in the work of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service.